The lending industry continues to grow as more people borrow money to build homes. Loan originators experience an increase in browsing rate, which is why it is imperative to streamline services and offer seamless experiences to customers. Fortunately, today lenders can now leverage innovative solutions such as mortgage software to provide top-notch services to customers.
CardTapp is one of the leading mortgage software tools that help lenders meet their goals in real-time. With the increased competition in the industry, you want to do all it takes to invest in quality tools and stand out from the crowd amidst the competition. Quality mortgage software can help you meet all your needs and customer expectations. When a borrower needs a mortgage loan, the process becomes easier with mortgage software.
What Is Mortgage Software?
Digital loan origination software, also known as mortgage software, is a tool that helps lenders or loan originators handle various tasks and offer seamlessly experienced to borrowers. The software can help with multiple tasks such as loan application processes, follow-up, closing deals, mortgage marketing automation, and centralized communication.
Why Invest in Mortgage Software?
The journey of a loan originator or lender is long and tiresome. Borrowers expect loan processing to be seamless and quick. This is one of the primary reasons to invest in mortgage software. It makes the processes seamless, reliable, quick, and effective, thus, allowing you to offer quality and customized services to your customers. Here are more benefits of mortgage software.
- Increases leads and sales
- Minimized errors and risks
- Support omnichannel lending
- Automate loan pipeline management
- Reduced workload and improved productive
- Short loan-processing-time and procedures
- Automating borrower management
- Risk assessment and mortgage underwriting
- Lastly, loan lifecycle management
Cardtapp is quality mortgage CRM software that removes the need to disburse loans using traditional, time-consuming, costly methods. With this software, you can achieve your goals in real-time while providing quality service to your customers. This then promotes customer loyalty and sets you apart from your competitors.
What Can CardTapp Mortgage Software Do?
CardTapp software has in-built quality features that solve your mortgage lending needs in real-time. It helps you manage lending processes in a single centralized platform that streamlines workflows.
Here are CardTapp features.
- Text Keyword – Lenders and loan originators can quickly share unique SMS auto-response keywords via text. The keyword returns a link to install the mobile app.
- One-to-One Share – Loan originators, prospects, referral partners, and past borrowers can share the app using a mobile interface.
- Marketing Flyer – The app has an in-built marketing flyer that includes QR codes and text keywords, which are beneficial to install the mobile app.
- CRM Integration – This software allows seamless integration when you add a new contact to your CRM and automatically lets you share the app.
- Text Messaging – Lenders and loan officers quickly, easily, and conveniently engage with their customers and prospects via text messages. A loan officer can track replies and link conversations for easier follow-up.
- Contact Sync – Lenders eliminate manual tasks by automatically syncing contacts to the mortgage CRM and existing systems, putting an end to errors and repetitive tasks. You can monitor, manage and integrate your contact data.
- Advanced Integrations – Lenders and loan officers can access advanced field mapping, customer workflow, logic, two-way integration, and automated app distribution.
- Management and Administration – Lenders and loan originators easily access the lead management dashboard, customer templates and access controls, manager analytics dashboard, and user roles and permissions.
Discover, Engage and Convert Your Best Borrowers With CardTapp
Quality features on mortgage software help lenders achieve their goals in real-time. CardTapp mortgage software has a lead management dashboard for mortgage originators and other valuable features that helps you monitor progress, leads, and sales. Prospects, clients, and referrals can, indeed, quickly locate you and apply for mortgages in real time.
If you are looking for quality software to build engaging borrower experiences, CardTapp is here for you. Our prices are completive, and our software comes with top-notch features worth value for your money. Check out our competitive pricing structure here to get started.