
Digital Sales Engagement with a Strategic Introduction

In This Article

We’re continuing on with our series on how to make a great digital sales engagement process. So far, we highlighted the need to add value with integrated content and present the benefits of your process. Next up, we’ll talk about planning a strategic introduction to your process.  Building a strategic introduction to your digital sales process will not only make it more natural to share with clients, it will also help them better understand. Indeed the more you can practice the introduction of the process, the more you can perfect a clear, concise, and value-focused presentation.

Practice Makes Perfect

You have likely heard of the “10,000 hour rule” popularized by Malcolm Gladwell. Though the original researcher says many oversimplify the rule, it’s clear that practicing a skill is critically important. Indeed, whether with free throws, a golf swing, or sales presentations, repetition is what makes it natural. When you interact with a client, you have 7 – 10 minutes to make the case for your digital sales process. Therefore, it’s important not only to plan a strategic introduction but to practice it often. This is what makes the case to the client second nature. A more natural introduction makes it more likely that the client will listen and act on the recommendation.

Tips for an Effective Strategic Introduction

Have a clear picture of when in the conversation you want to share your app. Your instincts may serve you in the moment, but having a plan is a great starting point. Sharing your app as a very first thing or a very last thing is not a good idea.

It requires a little time to discover the need or pain point of the client. It can also take time for the client to understand the value. If a person is rushed or they don’t have enough time to wrap their mind around your process, you’re not going to have the high-quality conversation that’s going to provide the “aha!” moment. Here are the steps we recommend when introducing your digital engagement tool:

  1. Repeat the need or pain point you uncovered in the conversation. This lets them know you were listening and have something that can help.
  2. Present your digital sales process as the solution to their problem. Remember to focus on how they benefit from your app.
  3. Assist them as they download the app. Walk them through the installation and registration process.
  4. Guide them through the process using your app. We’ll look at this in more detail in the last installment of this series.

You likely already know the most common needs and benefits statements that resonate most with your clients, so be sure to draft out share scripts that incorporate those items.

Plan When You’re Going to Share Your App

Start by thinking through a typical interaction with a client or referral partner. What are the key parts of the conversation? When would be a natural opportunity to introduce your app as a sales engagement tool? Initially, try to identify two or three natural openings in the conversation and start with those. See which opportunity feels the most natural for you.

Next use your app as a way to differentiate your service or solution. Choosing a moment in the conversation where you’re talking about how you can assist is the ideal moment to introduce it. So if the client asks, “What are the next steps? How can I get in touch with you?” That is the moment to say, “I don’t use business cards. I work with technology. I do this because it’s easier, more efficient, and more effective.” They’re probably expecting you to hand them your business card. You’re now saying, I’m not going to do the thing you expect.

Finally, be sure to really emphasize the value as you introduce the solution so that clients are ready to engage with your tool. Then continue to add that value as they move through the sales process.

Photo by Ono Kosuki from Pexels

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