
Creating Consistency to Drive Referrals

In This Article

We live in a busy, demanding, and uncertain world. Today, people are looking for service providers that bring stability and reliability to their needs and personal goals. They are also looking for people who promise to take care of the things that are important to them. Things like creating consistency help cement you as a trusted service provider.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll highlight a few tips on growing referrals through customer service strategies. First up is the importance of consistency. A focus on consistent and reliable experiences often get overlooked as a key indicator that leads to referrals. Here’s why creating a reliable customer experience is essential for your referral business.

Focus on Your Brand

Do you think of yourself as a brand? Great brands develop, last, and grow in significance because every time a person interacts with that brand, the experience is equally good.

One reason why Coke is a world class brand is because wherever you go in the world, Coke is equally delicious. There might be slight regional differences, but as a whole experience, wherever you are, every bottle of coke is the same as every other bottle. The shape of the bottle is even familiar no matter how it is produced. Not only is there an iconic, recognizable symbol, but it is also reliably and consistently delicious. This consistency creates trust as well as customer satisfaction.

Apple also became extremely successful by creating reliably positive experiences. Whether you play games or listen to music, the experience is consistent. Amazon is another great example.

These consistent, positive brand experiences are well-known in products and brands with great global presence, but may be less well-known at a level of individual service providers. However, the “brand experience” is even more important as a service provider.

Create an Engaging Solution

With service providers, the customer experience you create is critical because the experience of your brand is your brand. You don’t have the secret mix of sugar and caffeine to fall back on! When you think about consistent experience and implement them well, it increases the quality and reliability of your experience overall. Reliability is at least as important as the quality if not more so.

Service providers, large or small, ought to think about what kind of consistent experience you want to give your customers and put things in place to make sure that happens, even with the variability of daily life that everyone deals with.

People love dealing with a business partner, a vendor, or service provider who is reliable. If somebody asks them who they would recommend, reliability is going to be one of the main characteristics that is going to trigger their recommendation consciously or sub-consciously. Who they prefer will very likely be a reliable service professional.

Reliability can really make a difference in terms of making sure that positive experience happens time after time, person after person.

Creating Consistency with a Personal App

A CardTapp app can play a big part in keeping your process and service consistent. The more you integrate your app with your sales process, the better connected you are with your clients. This helps you create an engaging customer journey that provides customers with the same resources, tools, and opportunities to connect every time. Since a consistent and reliable process is so important to extraordinary customer service, be sure to leverage your app to help support a consistent process. Want to talk about how to do this? Schedule a demo today!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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